Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Confessions of a Chatty Girl: Finale - Good Things

Monday evening I was checking my email and I saw that I had 2 emails from people I didn't recognize.  One ended up being from Jenny.  She explained that she had taken my card with her to work that morning meaning to email the choir director with all of my information when she noticed that I had "AutoCAD drafter" on my card.  This had gotten her thinking about a friend of hers that goes to North Shore who had sent out a church wide email asking for people to be on the look out for anyone with architectural AutoCAD experience he could hire as a drafter for his budding architectural firm.  She had taken the liberty of sending him my information and she wanted to let me know and to send me his as well in case I was interested in the position.  As soon as I read that email I was ecstatic!  I was in the process of responding to her when I remembered there was another email awaiting me in my inbox.  I checked back and it turns out that before I even had a chance to email Jenny or the architect to ask for more information, I had an email from him (Larry) asking for an interview as soon as possible.  I was so excited I could barely type any responses.  I emailed Larry back letting him know that I was available for an interview whenever he was free and I was really excited about the possibility.  I then emailed Jenny and thanked her profusely.

The next day Larry had responded to my email and he wanted me to call him as soon as I could for a phone interview.  I called him right away and the phone interview went great!  I was so excited at the possibility of getting in on the ground floor of something like this.  We set up an in-person interview for that Friday.  

(Side note: Background check still hadn't gone through, we are now going on 3 weeks of waiting).

Friday rolled around and I was off to my interview.  We met at his house and had a relaxing interview that went fantastic.  At one point he asked me the question of where do I see myself in 5 years.  This question always makes me a little nervous in job interviews.  I am not a career minded person.  I enjoy what I do but I see it more as a way to pay the bills not to become a huge executive of some major company.  I never know how interviewers will react when I tell them my deepest prayer is to one day be a wife and mom.  But I decided to bite the bullet and be completely open and honest.  I said, "To be honest, I am not a career person.  I can see myself doing this for the next 5 years but my heart's desire is to one day, Lord willing, be a wife and a mom.  This is what I have talent and experience in and what pays the bills until that days comes, if it ever does."  There was a moments pause and then he said, "You know I really respect that.  I am the farthest thing from a male chauvinist.  You can go ask my wife.  But I feel like women who try to be the leaders of huge companies or are all about their career and then try to have families just confuses things.  So I really respect you for that."  And that was like God just smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up.  The interview continued for a while longer and went back to talking business.  I left with hope in my heart and excited to hear from him.  He said that he would be in touch with me in the next few days.  

A few days later I had yet to hear from him and I began to feel deja vu.  I checked my email on Thursday afternoon and I had an email from him.  He was trying to get a hold of me but my phone was not connecting with the call for some reason.  I gave him an alternate number and responded to his email letting him know that I would keep my phone on me all evening.  I kept my phone with me as I said but as the evening wore on I thought I wouldn't hear from him until the next day.  Suddenly, at 8:30pm my phone rings and it is him.  "I have thought about it and I think I want to hire you if you are still interested."  I tried to sound as calm as possible as I was dancing around my room.  I was hired for an amazing position that is perfect for me at the ground floor of a budding firm making well over twice what I was making at Liberty!  

So that is where I have been working for the past 2 weeks.  And may I say that I LOVE MY JOB!  I get to hang out with some cool people and design and draw all day long.  It's still a little crazy at times being the ground floor and all.  I work up on the mountain literally in Larry's basement with him and another drafter and some days when it rains I have to bail out our office of water (true story).  And there are days when I work 11+ hours but it is an adventure and I am trusting God to keep it going!  

I am amazed and dumbfounded daily at God's gift.  He couldn't have handcrafted a better position for me.  After all of the disappointments and frustrations.  This is what he had for me this whole time.  He had been orchestrating every piece of this puzzle to fit just perfectly to provide me with this job when I needed it the most.  The Father truly does delight in given his children good things.  The night I got hired I just sat in my bed after everyone had gone to sleep and wept with joy and humble gratitude!  I couldn't express my thankfulness enough!  That night it was a little piece of heaven as I rejoiced in pure unadulterated thankfulness and joy and basked under God's smile of "I told you to trust me."  I could almost hear him laugh at my excitement and rejoice with me.

And thus ends the job hunting saga for me.  So thank you all for praying with and for me in the crazy journey that to tell the truth is only just beginning!  Keep praying, as this is the ground floor, there is still some risk involved as we are just now getting off the ground.  Work keeps coming praise the Lord and I am definitely staying busy.  I really feel God's hand on this whole thing and I will continue by his grace to trust in him for my daily bread.  To him be all glory, honor, and praise for the great works he has done!


P.S. And do you know, that furniture place called me during the middle of my 1st week with Larry to tell me that I had a clear background check and that I needed to call them soon so they could get me started ASAP.  Call me rude, but I waited a few days to email them back to let them know I had excepted a better offer :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Confessions of a Chatty Girl - Part 2: God's got something up his sleeve

Waiting on my background check continued.  I wasn't incredibly surprised because I knew that background checks can take a while and the company wanting to hire me didn't really strike me as a business that was really on top of things.  I hate to sound prejudice but you can only expect so much from people who wear cargo shorts to work everyday (Just kidding!).  So I continued sending out emails, praying, and holding on to any hope that God threw my way.

I had received a tip from a colleague back in Lynchburg about a company in the area he knew of that was in the office furniture business, something that I had experience with at Liberty.  So I began more actively following that lead.  The contact responded to my email and wanted to meet with me, even though at the moment he didn't think he would have anything solid to offer me.  I went to the interview praying that he would take one look at me and my resume and hire me on the spot.  Well, that wasn't in God's plans because I walked out of the interview without a job.  But I would not be dismayed because I did, however, get an invitation to a reception he was having for the architectural and design community in Chattanooga to celebrate some new fangled office chair or some such nonsense.  I was excited for the opportunity to network and hopefully get my name out there.  Who knows maybe someone at the reception will take one look at me and my resume and hire me.  Yes, I am that optimistic.  As the day of the reception got closer I began thinking that I should probably have business cards to take with me to hand out.  God tapped into my inner kid wanting playing grownup to light a fire under me to get those cards made.  I set about putting a design together (FYI: VistaPrint is the way to go!)  With business cards in hand, I headed to the reception hopeful and praying the whole way.  I met a few people and even got my cards in the hands of a couple.  There was no offer that night, surprise surprise, but I left praying that my cards would do some work for me.  Well, my cards decided to be lazy that week.  I got diddly-squat from them.  I continued to pray.  I was thankful I at least had a job in the works even though I wasn't sure if I could rock the cargo short look.  It made the rejection and the disappointment and waiting just a little more bearable.  

During this time, I really began to get involved at North Shore.  I had started going to the small group in my area and began to really get to know some of the dear people there.  Before I go any further I would like to say that what I am about to tell you may seem very random.  I promise this all has a point that will be made clear, I am not getting off on a rabbit trail and I must share things this way because it is the best way I know to highlight God's all encompassing plan and providence and to give him all the glory for his intricate will that he sometimes reveals.  

Now as I was saying... 

One Sunday I was sitting behind a couple that I had yet to meet.  After we had sung a few songs the woman turned around during our time of greeting those around us and was complimentary of my singing voice.  I thanked her and thought nothing of it, except that it was a nice stroke to my ego (little glimpse into my heart for ya).  We went through the service and sang a few more songs at the end.  As soon as the benediction was over the woman turns around and blurts out "Would you be at all interested in singing in the choir?"  I was a little surprised and was not really sure what to say.  I didn't even know there was a choir and I had just barely learned this woman's name, which was Linde, by the way.  I told Linde that if there was a need I would be willing to offer what I could.  She lit up.  It was almost like a secret alarm had gone off that only choir members could hear because before I knew it choir members were popping up everywhere around me like a game of whack-a-mole and it was all I could do to remember names and keep track of who's hand I was shaking now and why I was smiling so profusely.  Linde called over one last woman named Jenny.  She was incredibly sweet and welcoming and I instantly liked her.  She was charged with the duty of getting my information to the choir director standing just several feet away because my legs had apparently broke unbeknownst to me in all the excitement.  Jenny asked for my information so I handed her one of my cards I still had in order to save time trying to track down the ever illusive pen and paper that always seem to disappear somewhere in the catacombs of your purse at times of great necessity, leaving you with nothing but a piece of what you think is unused tissue and having to bum a crayon off the 5 year old near you.  Thankfully my card saved me from such a charade.  With my card in hand she was off to her mission and I was off to lunch never suspecting how God would use this new acquaintance to fulfill such a grand scheme he had up his sleeve.

To be continued . . .

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Confessions Of A Chatty Girl - Part 1: Job hunting

I have been horribly remiss about writing.  I was supposed to write 2 blog posts this week and unfortunately I was not thinking and decided to promise them the first week I started work.  Not one of my brightest moments.  Sorry about that everyone.  Now that the first week is over, I can finally take a breathe and figure out what the heck I am actually going to say and fill you all in on.  So first things first, to update you on my life and all the changes and amazing things that God has been working out and doing in my life.  This is the first part in a 3 part narrative so keep on the lookout for my other 2 posts.

I have a job everyone!  Yes, it is true!  After searching and looking, applying to countless jobs and plenty of interviews.  After a whole lot of almost's I finally got a job!  God literally tailor made and gift wrapped a fantastic job for me that, get this, I absolutely love!  In order for you to appreciate the beauty of God's plan let me go back a ways and fill you in.

So as you know I have been looking for months to find a job.  I got pretty close to getting several or at least so I thought but for some reason there was just nothing that ever panned out.  I have had people promise me the moon only for them to change their minds last minute.  I have had what look like great opportunities that look like the perfect fit dissolve right before my eyes.  Anyone who has ever job hunted knows what I am talking about.  My story is not much different from the norm.  It was so frustrating.  I couldn't understand why God was refusing me these jobs that seemed to be so great!  It just didn't make sense.  But I knew deep down that I had to keep trusting even though I had no clue what he was doing or why he was doing it.  A lot of times I would just get down right mad at God that he wasn't doing what I wanted him to do.  It just wasn't fair!

Before I ever came down to Chattanooga I had sort of set a schedule for myself that if I didn't get a job in 3 weeks that I was going to head back to VA and give my friends housing me a break from my free loading.  This didn't seem hard because there was a job that I had already had 2 interviews with that had both gone really well.  I was sure I had it in the bag.  The hiring manager had told me that I would be hearing from her that week so I get down to Tennessee and settle in to wait for the call.  A few days go by and I hear nothing.  I get a little concerned but the week is not over yet so I calm myself and trust God that he will work it out and they will call if I am going to get the job.  Finally Friday afternoon rolls around and I have yet to hear anything from the hiring manager.  At this point I am tired of waiting and decide to force their hand and make them tell me one way or the other.  I call.  "Oh hey! Yeah sorry I never called you. We have been really busy. We actually hired someone else.  Thanks for applying though and good luck!"  That did not go the way I had expected.  But in my head I had peace still because a) the excitement for that job had been fading in my mind and b) I knew that that job apparently wasn't the job God had for me.  It was a set back and frustrating for sure but I wasn't that disappointed overall so it was back to the salt mines again.  I began getting on job search engines again every day trying to find anything and everything I could lay my mouse on.   I began feeling my 3 week clock ticking and I began to get nervous.  I found 2 jobs online that looked interesting.  Both were immediate positions at 2 different furniture stores.  The first one I had never heard of but the ad looked promising so I applied.  The second I recognized but the ad wasn't as impressive but I applied anyway.  Just 2 days later I got a call from the first furniture store.  They wanted an interview!  I was so excited!  We scheduled the interview for later that day and I rushed about getting into my professional costume.  It took me forever to find the place (I am not a fan of Google maps).  I ended up having to stop and ask for directions.  When I finally found it I was over 30 minutes late.  The store which was really more of a warehouse was back in the back of a sketchy looking cul-de-sac and the entrance was literally a loading dock with a ramp up to it.  Not impressive to say the least.  The guy who was supposed to interview me wasn't even there.  He had just walked away and no one seemed to know where he was.  So some other guy came out and he didn't even realize I was late.  So I counted that as a blessing and answer to prayer that they didn't discount me and still interviewed me but I was not impressed with their lack of professionalism.  I went through the interview and by the end of it I was hired.  I just needed to pass the background check and I could start.  I was excited that I had a job and that it meant I could stay in Chattanooga but I was leery of how it would be working at a furniture warehouse in a rather sketchy part of town with all men in their 30s.  But I was thankful for the job and I had to trust God that he would provide and protect.

I decided to keep my options open.  The warehouse job would be my fall back really.  I didn't want to put all of my eggs in one basket either.  Judging from the kind of business they ran who knew if they would even remember they had hired someone in a week.  So while I waited for the background check to clear I kept looking.

I went over to the other furniture store that I had applied to to see if I could convince them to give me an interview even if they hadn't contacted me back yet.  I walked in and walked back in about 10 minutes with an interview set for the next day.  I was excited and hopeful.  The next day came and I had my interview.  I sit down with the hiring manager and the interview begins amiably.  He seems impressed with me and is speaking very positively.  He then gets to the part about work schedules.  Weekends are mandatory.  Now something you might not know about me is that when it comes to working on Sunday I am very adamant.  I will not do it.  If I was a police officer, or fireman, or EMT or nurse/doctor or something that would be different.  But my personal conviction is that God set Sunday aside as his day.  Not just the morning when church is in session but the whole day.  So as soon as the manager informed me that Saturdays and Sundays were mandatory I knew the interview was pretty much over unless I could convince him otherwise.  I couldn't.  He legitimately looked disappointed for me and genuinely seemed like he wished he could change the rules.  I told him not to worry this was not the first time it had happened to so it was fine and he wished me luck.  I was positive as I left but I was pretty disappointed as I drove away.  I even wondered if I should turn around and compromise my convictions and accept the job.  But I knew I couldn't.  God had been directing me this whole way and I couldn't just disregard that and throw it all away.  So I had to turn it over to God and pray that he would work it out.  I still had a job. It may not have been a dream job but it was a paying job.  God would provide and protect.

To be continued . . .

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Bookworm Project #2 - The Lovely Bones

It might be a surprise to you that I read this book.  Especially, considering how different it is from the last book I posted about.  If you heard about it, saw the movie or even saw a preview you knew that this book was not a light and happy-go-lucky story.  Pretty much anything with the word "bones" in the title you know probably is going to be a little on the dark side, at least.  Well, this book is no exception.  I first saw the film.  I was not overly impressed with it but the story intrigued me intellectually.  I knew that it had originally been a book and I wondered how it had been altered from the original narrative.  I had spoken to a few people who had seen and read the story and the general consensus was "the book was better."  Big shocker there, right?  

First off, I would like to say that I have an odd quirk about me.  I absolutely love TV shows that have anything to do with crime, typically murder.  So does my mother, so I blame her :)  My dad refers to them, mockingly, as our "killer shows" even though we secretly know he has to fight getting sucked into them himself :)  The science of criminology and watching them catch bad guys is really interesting to me and I have to admit that I am also interested in knowing how the crime was committed.  You probably had no idea that I was that dark, huh?  Sometimes I think I should have been a criminal justice major and gone into law enforcement of some kind.  My favorite shows are Bones, Castle, Body of Proof, NCIS, etc. The original NCIS, mind you! Not to be confused with NCIS: LA. Don't even get me started.

All that is to say, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold was not a stretch for me in my line of interests.  To warn you plainly this book is not PG13.  I do not recommend this book for the faint of heart, particularly anyone who is closely acquainted with the crime of rape and/or murder of a family member.  I can imagine that this book would be incredibly painful.  It was painful enough for me, who by the grace and mercy of God has been spared such tragedies.  The book is written in the perspective of the victim, which coupled with Sebold's portrayal of heaven is largely what intrigued me about it.  There are not many stories written in the perspective of a murder victim for obvious reasons.  It was fascinating to see how the tragedy affected a family of unbelievers and how each character in the book processed and ultimately healed from it without turning to God as a source of comfort and strength.  

The theology was pitiful but to be expected of a writer who for all intents and purposes appears to be an atheist.  Sebold definitely has a very hedonistic view of heaven, which is to be expected.  It was wonderful to get a better understanding of how a non-Christian would try to explain the after-life and how they picture heaven.  I found it fascinating to watch Sebold try to reconcile her idea of perfection with the snags she would naturally run into with her theories.  Her theories were rather predictable but at times I could almost feel her stumbling on how a humanistic version of perfection could ever logically exist.  It felt like at times that she was questioning her own ideas through her characters, but would have to quickly dismiss them and move on for the sake of the story not getting caught in a theological struggle.    

To summarize, I would say that I came away feeling benefited by the book solely for the purpose of having a deeper understanding of a non-Christian worldview.  Sebold is obviously a talented writer no matter the subject matter.  I found the characters dynamic; the writing perspective unique and Sebold's concept of heaven thought provoking.  Proceed with caution if you decide to read this book. It might, however, intrigue and interest you on the same level and for the same reasons it did me.  If so...

Happy reading!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SWF seeking GOD - #1 Getting Fit

Proverbs 31:17 "She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong."

Now, that might not have been the passage that you were expecting.  To be honest this is one that I didn't really notice until the other night when I was trying to think of what to write about in this post.  I pulled out my Bible and read good old Proverbs 31, always a good kick in the pants, right?  Here I am reading and I come to that little verse, just 10 simple words.  Well, it got my attention for the first time, after I don't know how many times of reading this passage of Scripture.  

The Proverbs 31 woman works out?  Really?  I mean, yeah, she is running around taking care of everyone and everything and getting stuff done but she actually exercises?  I had never thought of that before.  I mean I knew that is was good to stay in shape and be active to stay healthy.  After all, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  But for me, at least, I never really paid attention to exercise and physical strength being part of a Proverbs 31 woman.  Well, needless to say, this is definitely something that an SWF can do.  Now the problem is doing it.  Yes, I will admit it for all the world to know! I AM LAZY!  There I said it! I enjoy sitting around on my backside doing anything but working out or burning calories.  Back in Lynchburg, among my RUF friends, I was famous for saying to all of their many pleas to go hiking with them, that I hate walking up hill, I just don't do it.  Now thankfully, walking up hill is not the only way to get in shape but I probably wouldn't mind walking up hill so much if I did other things to keep up hill hiking an easier and generally less wretched experience **please note all RUF friends reading this that the exertion was the only thing wretched about hiking with you.  I love you all dearly :)  

So, my encouragement and challenge for all of you Proverbs 31 women in training.  Get out there do some walking, pick up running, do some sit ups, lift some weights.  I am not saying you need to pull out the P90X but at least do some P31 :)  You will feel great! You will look awesome!  You will have energy! And who knows you might actually have some fun too!  Here is a list of what I am trying to get in the habit of doing in case you might be at a loss of where to start.

**Because I have to: Please consult a medical professional before starting any of these exercises listed.  I have no idea what you should and should not do for your own health.  This is just what I personally do and what I have experience doing from gymnastics and volleyball.  So now that you can't sue me . . . 

1.  Stretching is good! This is a great way to relax before bed and work out all the kicks of the day.  Also works to tone your muscles and gives you some pretty sweet flexibility!  Splits are great party tricks, provided you can get back up from them.

2. Start walking briskly or running if you dare.  I personally want to die every time I run but you might like it.  Unless, I am being chased with a deadly weapon, sorry I will walk off my burgers and fries, thank you very much.  It's one of the easiest things you can do to burn calories.  

3. Do some crunches or ab twists as I like to call them. This is where you basically get in a half reclined sit up position and reach your left arm over to your right side and touch the floor and then your right arm to the left side and touch the floor.  Repeat a few reps and you will feel a great burn all over your abs!

4. Push ups! Even if its the girlie ones! It's ok, I won't tell if you won't.  

5. Backwards push ups for lack of a better name. Place your hands on the edge of your couch with your back to the couch. Stretch your feet out in front of you and lower yourself until your butt almost touches the ground and then raise back up.  Repeat a few reps and your arms will be killing you...in a good way!

So go gird yourself! That sounds awful...uh just have fun getting fit! :)