Monday, December 9, 2013

Lesson #4: Calling Does Not Equal Easy

For some reason I had the strange impression that because I felt called to be a wife that it would be a natural lifestyle to fall into.  I thought I would just naturally find joy in all of the little things that go into being a wife.  Cooking, cleaning, laundry, you know that stuff.  I didn't think it would be easy having two sinners living in the same house but I thought I would at least be a natural at wifely duties.  And then reality hit. I think it mostly had to do with the fact that I was still not ready to give up my single lifestyle that I had grown accustomed too.  Cooking a meal for my husband got to be more and more of an annoyance than a joy. I longed for the days when having a sandwich for dinner was acceptable. Coming up with ideas for a well balanced delicious meal every night after getting off work soon became something I dreaded and tried to avoid.  It didn't help that I went through a spurt of really bad cooking ventures which put the kibosh on all the delusions of grandeur I had about being a great chef and that ended in frustration and eating cereal for dinner.  A mini lesson here. Always have cereal and milk on hand.  I longed for the days when I didn't have to do laundry if I didn't feel like it.  I had enough underwear to last me a month so if on a weekend I wanted to be lazy and ignore the laundry I could. No one was there to care but me.  If I wanted to skip the vacuuming one week so what!  I didn't have any pets to clean up after who was to tell. Spray some Frebreeze and it was good as new.  I didn't really think I needed to mourn it but I know now I should have savored those little bits and that stage of life.  It was easy.  It was the independence.  It was the epitome of the Frank Sinatra song "I Did It My Way!".  If I wanted to be selfish I could and no one would really be the wiser.  My sin could be secret.  And that right there is why being a wife isn't natural for me. I like being selfish.  I like doing it my way.

I think that is precisely why God called me to the life of a wife.  I thought I was called because I would be good at it.  God gives us gifts and talents and opens doors for us to use those gifts for sure to bring about His glory and our good.  But that doesn't mean we don't need Him to accomplish it.  Where do you think those gifts and talents came from in the first place?  There are definitely days where I delight in being a wife.  Please don't think I hate it!  It is challenging for sure but it is even more of a blessing than I could describe to you. He calls us because He can use us.  But He also calls us because we need it.  I need a crash course in dying to self.  I need a daily dose in humility.  I need a reality check with my sin.  I need to be reminded everyday that what little sacrifices I concede are nothing compared to the wondrous sacrifice of my Savior.  I need the picture before me of Christ's patience and selfless love for me.  I need that grace that is so natural to Him in order for my sin nature to be quieted.  I am not a natural at sacrificing my time, my energy, my resources for the good and blessing of another, which is really the life of a wife and husband for that matter. In fact, it goes against my nature as a sinful human.  But I am still called to be a wife.  My calling isn't based on my ability and my works is it?  Christ came to die for that sinful human nature of mine that I still cling to so desperately at times.  He conquered my sin when He took my place on the cross in order that I would be reconciled to God.  He paid a precious price for my messy heart and He is redeeming me daily.  Slowly but surely through marriage He is refining me into His image by not letting me do it my way.  Instead He lovingly woos me with His amazing grace, compels me with His unfailing love, commands me with His perfect holiness, empowers me with the Holy Spirit to do it His way!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. - Philippians 2:3-4

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lesson #3 - You Are Not His Mother

Women have a natural tendency to nurture and that is all well and good. I believe 100% that is a God given gift that women can do in a way that men just really can't.  This is a fantastic thing when it comes to children. Husbands, however, tend to get lumped into the category of "things that need raising" rather easily.  We forget they have already been raised.  Sure it was different than you were raised but he obviously turned out well enough for you to marry him didn't he? Whether it is the amount of vegetables he eat, the way he does the laundry, how he does dishes, or how he completes "Honey Do" lists around the house, understand that you do things differently and that does not automatically mean that he is wrong and you are right.  Remember that first lesson?  The main theme that kept coming up over my first year of marriage was I was fussing and worrying over him like I was his mother not his wife.  I would fuss at him if he didn't eat the vegetables I made him.  I fussed at him over little things and sometimes bigger things.  I remember one instance when I fussed at him because he decided to climb a ladder when I wasn't home. My husband was in the middle of painting the outside of our house.  He was working very diligently and was a trooper about the long, arduous, and unfortunately solitary process.Our days off very rarely coincide so the idea of me being home while he was climbing on a very tall ladder to paint trim was a virtual impossibility.  I fussed though.  "If you fall off you are going to get hurt or die and I won't be here to help you. You need to just wait until I can be there to make sure you are safe." Can anyone say, "Yes, mother"?  Now, I had good motive behind my "edict".  I care very much for my husbands health and safety and we had just heard that week of a man falling off of a ladder while no one was home and being very badly injured so I was already on edge.  But my concern and love for him manifested itself all wrong. My husband patiently explained to me the impracticality of my idea and while he applauded my effort at safety it really was not going to help get the house painted in a timely fashion.  As I was driving home from work the day my husband was painting the house I called my mother.  I thought for sure being the practical woman she was she would understand where I was coming from.  After I explained the situation the first thing I heard on the other end of the phone was laughter. Naturally I was taken aback and then I heard her chuckle out these words, "Well, you aren't his mother, Rachel. You are his wife."  I said, "But Mom doesn't it worry you when Dad does stuff like that when you aren't home?" She said, "Well of course it does! But he is an grown man and his life isn't my responsibility anyway. God keeps him alive not me." I said, "Then what do you do in those situations?" She said, "I tell him I love him and I go to work and about my day, praying for him the whole time and am very thankful and relieved that he is in one piece when I return."  It finally clicked for me.  I had gotten it into my head that as his wife I was, somehow, responsible for keeping my husband alive and well.  Somehow, his life was in my hands and I had totally disregarded or forgotten the fact that he is a mature adult who had been climbing on ladders, up trees, on roofs, using power tools and doing all manner of "risky" things for the last 31 years without my guidance, advice or supervision and amazingly enough he had survived! Imagine that!  My concern and mothering was a result of a lack of faith.  I wasn't trusting my husband was smart enough to be careful but most of all I wasn't trusting God with my husband.  In that small silly little moment of clarity I realized that he is not my responsibility.  He is my friend, my husband, my brother in Christ but he is first and foremost God's child not mine and as such he is in far better hands with Him than he is in my own.  

So yes, ladies, we worry.  Sometimes we mother.  A lot of times it has good intentions like being safe and staying healthy.  But ladies remember we married grown men.  Give them the respect and honor they deserve as your husband rather than belittling them as little boys.  By all means, make suggestions and offer potential alternatives but remember that just because you do things differently doesn't make it bad and you aren't his mother.  You are his wife.  So love him, pray for him, have his back, but stop trying to do God's job.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lessons From The First Year...and 19 days

2. Finding the right birth control can take a few tries.
I had never actually been on birth control before we got engaged.  So I had no idea what to expect.  I was not expecting to become crazy.  The first month I was on birth control I literally thought I was going crazy.  I was paranoid and having panic attacks.  I called my doctor's office and I think I scared the poor nurse. All I remember was there was a lot of apologizing and the phone call was much shorter than I was hoping and very unsatisfying because she basically said, "Tough it out, you big baby!" Or at least that was what I heard.  For the next 3 months I was not a happy camper.  Right after we got married I was having a conversation with one of the women in my church about my frustrations and she told me something very discouraging that I had never heard before. "Well sometimes, finding the right birth control can take a few tries." If that wasn't enough she said that her daughter searched for a year to find the right one.  What?! I can't feel like this for a year! I felt out of control of everything.  My emotions where all over the place.  I was crying one moment and screaming the next.  I was depressed for a day then giddy for a few hours.  I had never felt like that in my entire life.  It was so weird.  And honestly it scared me because as a control freak not having control over my own emotional capacities was a HUGE problem! Not to mention my poor new husband was getting the brunt of whatever I happened to be feeling that hour.  I finally got my birth control changed after 5 months of being on it and I was relieved and hopeful.  This will be better.  I will be better. I will be calmer. I will feel like myself again. I will be the woman that my husband fell in love with.  Honestly, I felt like he had been duped because I felt so dramatically different from what I was before.  I just wanted to get back to normal.  I wanted to go back to being nice and liking people and things again.  The second birth control was better. For like a month and then it settled in and I still felt off.  I still couldn't believe the anger I would feel over the smallest things.  I came home from work one day and saw that my husband hadn't put the lid on a storage contain properly and I completely blew my top.  I fumed for over an hour.  I slammed the fridge door so hard I popped one of the trays out of it.  I always had a temper but was never violent and it kind of scared me honestly.  I was on that birth control for 7 long months.  At my next appointment my doctor asked me how things were going , and as I told her some of my frustrations her eyes got big and she exclaimed, "Why are you just NOW telling me this?! You should have called a long time ago and I would have changed it!"  I admitted that I kept putting it off because I was holding out hope it would get better and by the time I realized it wasn't getting better I was due for an appointment so I figured I would just wait it out till I could talk to her in person.  Needless to say, she switched me immediately.  I am very happy and relieved to say that I am MUCH better!  I am much more even tempered. I am much more normal and I think as a result my husband is much happier too.  Although he would say I was never as bad as I thought I was.  He is very sweet.

All of that to say that birth control is crazy.  It can make you do weird and illogical things.  But is can also be a scapegoat for a lot of sin too.  When you are having those crazy feelings it is very important to sit quietly alone in your room away from sharp objects or images of sad puppies and really contemplate where your heart is in all of this.  I have to admit ashamedly there were definitely times that I indulged the hormonal mad woman.  There were times when I would let hurtful words fly because I could and because I wanted to.  There were times when I stomped down the Holy Spirit because I just wanted to be mad and I wanted to punish my husband for some perceived offense. I am not proud of it but it's true.  It is very important to remain keenly aware of yourself while on birth control because although it may feel completely uncontrollable it is more controllable than your sin nature might want you to think.  God doesn't accept the classic"my hormones made me do it" excuse.  But he does forgive it.  He knows your heart better than you do and he knows when you are being just plain sinful.  God and my husband showed me so much grace and forgiveness, which is mercifully par for the course with them because I need it so often.  I am thankful for my husband's practical and tangible example of Christ to me.  God is certainly good.  Wrong birth control is bad and it should be switched. That is why it is so important to pay attention when something is not right to know if the birth control needs to be switched or your attitude needs a good swift kick in the pants and "you got some esplaining to do" and a lot of repenting.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lessons From The First Year...and 17 days...

Everyone says that the first year of marriage is the hardest. Part of me wonders if tales of the first year of marriage are much like a good fishing story. Every time you tell the story the fish gains another foot.   Having no other years of marriage to compare it to I guess I would have to agree.  There hasn't been any breaking things.  There haven't been a bunch of slamming doors.  We haven't had to many screaming matches.  We haven't contemplated divorce or murder either.  There has been fighting. There have been tears.  There has been long moments of tense silence. There have been raised voices and huffing and puffing.  Mostly from me. I can only compare my last year of marriage to my many years of singleness.  My single years were much much easier. I could be selfish and totally independent and marriage kind of takes a bulldozer to that lifestyle.  I am not my own person.  I belong to someone.  I am do not have my own schedule.  I have someone to share my time with.  I can't just go off on adventures by myself. I have company for all of my adventures. At times that can be annoying but it is nice having a buddy system most of the time.  The last year has been a concentrated study in what it means to die to self that I never really understood when I was single. It has been realizing that when we fight and have tense moments it is because we are trying to build our own kingdoms.  We are not working together to build God's kingdom. So over this year I have learned more than a few lessons.  I am sure I will continue to relearn them and learn new ones with every year. Here is the first of several lessons I am learning the hard way.

1. It is not a sin to do things differently. 
Whether it is the dishes, the cooking, the sleeping, the toothpaste squeezing, the breathing, etc. You are and your spouse will do things differently.  Think about it. If siblings who grow up under the same parenting and lifestyle can come out polar opposites so can two people who's paths most likely didn't cross until a few years ago.  It is important to remember this is not a sin that must be apologized for.  Your spouse can squeeze the toothpaste from the middle if he wants.  He can choose to soak dishes for 3 days before washing them. Actually that's just gross. Never ever let your spouse do that.  Disgusting! But it's ok that he folds towels differently.  It's ok that when he drives he brakes a little later than you would like.  And no matter how hard you stomp that break peddle will never be on the passenger side.  It's ok that his dirty socks never quite make it to the hamper the first time.  It's ok that he isn't very good at putting left overs into proper food saving containers.  He got them in the fridge at least didn't he? You don't have to nag him or berate him for all these little imperfections that seem on some days to be a very purposeful affront to your idea of bliss because really all they are is how he does things differently.  He is not trying to annoy you. He is just doing things the best way he thinks they should be done and really that is exactly what you are doing too.  It is not something to apologize for.  You were raised different.  You have different personalities and strengths.  It is something to love in your spouse because it is a joy and gift to see how God created two people so very different yet decided that He wanted them together because it would bring about His will and serve His purpose for His glory.  So don't worry about the towels, or the toothpaste, or whatever that thing is that he does that makes you want to pull out your hair sometimes.  He is not sinning.  He is being himself, the himself that you fell in love with, remember?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mile Marker 23 and Post #100!

It has been another year.  My annual birthday post is here again.  As you know there has been a lot that God has fit into this year.  I am so blessed!  God is continuing to teach me so much about his grace and mercy and I look forward to seeing all that is ahead of us.  This hymn pretty much sums up my year.

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!“
 Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

God is at work :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Waiting On God's Timing

I feel like every couple of months I am writing this blog post.  There are slight variants in the story line but the ultimate idea is still the same. God’s plans aren’t my own and a lot of times I am not ok with that. It is getting easier to let go of those plans that slip through my fingers, especially when it has to do with something that I wanted for myself.  This time it was different.  This time it wasn’t about me.  This time it was my husband’s dreams that got put on hold yet again. 

As many of you know my husband and I both have a strong desire and call to be in full time ministry.  It is where our heart lies and it has been a huge focus of our marriage.  I have been given a phenomenal opportunity to minister to some of our church’s high school girls.  It has been a wonderful experience and I love seeing what God is doing in their lives.  Working full time can make getting involved in their lives difficult but so far I have been able to make it work thanks to God’s work. Mark is another story.  Working full time until 8:00 p.m. every night and also being in school can make it very difficult for ministry.  It takes the meaning of intentionality to a whole other level.  This was a season in our life.  There were a lot of questions as to how to work out seminary and how to balance work and ministry in the meantime.  It makes it frustrating waiting but our prayers for answers were partnered with prayers for patience. 

Last month we heard of an amazing opportunity.  A church in our city was looking for a youth and family director.  It was a full time position. It included benefits. It would be getting involved with families not just being a daycare for youth on Sunday nights. It would be organizing youth trips, mission trips, family retreats. It had the potential for a seminary stipend.  Bit by bit it seemed as we found out more information that it would be perfect and it would be the answer to all of the prayers and questions we had.  So we applied. We didn’t get it.  As I was praying for this to be the job I was also praying that we would be accepting and willing to let God’s will be done and not fight against whatever the answer might be for our marriage.  It was hard to pray those prayers. It is even harder to live those prayers. While my heart is disappointed it is not broken. I am learning that God is very active in the lives of His children.  I know deep down that whatever God has in store is better than what we could imagine. But it is still hard to see the disappointment on the face of the one you love. It is hard to know that after waiting for so long to do what he has so much passion for he will have to wait longer still. 

Mark took the news better than me.  His unwavering faith in God’s sovereignty and desire for God’s will is such a ministry and example to me. It gives me comfort and strength to be reminded by my husband’s faith of God's goodness.  So while we wait God is drawing us together.  While we wait God is working in our lives. While we wait we are doing what we can to fulfill God’s call even though for now it can only be part time. While we wait we continue to pray for opportunities and for doors to open.  

God is good. He is at work.
Much love,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


In my book study on Tuesday nights some girlfriends and I have been going through the book "When People Are Big And God Is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man" by Edward Welch.  The entire book talks about the fear of man.  At first I wondered how relevant the book would be for me because I always prided myself on the fact that I never really cared what people thought of me.  I never really worried about pleasing people.  I'm pretty confident in most circumstances.  So when I read the description of the book and about how it would help me get over my fear of people I was a little confused.  But knowing how God works I knew that I would learn plenty from reading it and if not then maybe the book would be a benefit for someone else in the group.  After all it is not all about me.  As we started delving into the book I quickly realized how appropriate this book is for me.  Although the majority of my life is not spent in peer pressure or in a fear of man, although more and more I am learning that many of my thoughts and actions that get me the most frustrated and into trouble have to do with an essence of this, the real culprit is codependency.  For those of you who know me this might come as quite a surprise.  I am a very independent person by nature.  I like to do things for myself. I don't like to ask for help. I enjoy concurring tasks by myself and I don't need anyone to get the job done.  On an external level this is very true.  I am a doer.  I am a fixer.  I ask people for advice not permission.  I am woman hear me roar.  When it comes to actions I am far from codependent. Now that I have properly beat my chest and done my Rosie the Riveter pose lets get to the heart of it, literally.

When it comes to matters of the heart I am a complete contradiction.  My heart craves desperately to be loved by those that I love.  For those few people that I allow into my world, my real world, there is a tremendous burden placed on them. Unbeknownst to them ,I am constantly analyzing their love for me.  Is it real?  Do they love someone else more? Do I really matter to them?  Do they love me as much as I love them? Are they going to desert me when I make a mistake or am not what they expect?  In this deep part of my heart there is a whole other me that few people ever see.  I am confident and carefree in most situations and sometimes that in genuine.  But when it comes to people that I care about it is a whole other story.  This doesn't just end with my earthly relationships either.  My relationship with God is stained with this desperate need and crippling doubt.  

So why share this? Here. In such a public forum where I know multiple people will read this?  Well, they say the first step in overcoming a problem is admitting you have one.  And this blog from the very beginning was to preach the Gospel to myself and to use my life as encouragement to others.  Because odds are there is someone else out there reading this going "Oh my gosh, me too!"  And to you, friend and my own heart I say in the words of Paul,

"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.Through him we have also obtained access by faith[b] into this grace in which we stand, and we[c] rejoice[d] in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. 11 More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation." ~ Romans 5:1-11

With such rich promises from the very word of God! These are promises for His children!  And if you haven't come to Him these promises can be yours! God is where real lasting perfect love is!  God is love!  It is free!  Those fears I listed before lets look at them again in light of this Scripture.  Is it real? Yes! Does He love some else more? How could He love me more? Do I really matter to Him? How could I not matter to Him when He sent His Son to die in my place! Does He love me as much as I love Him? He loves me more than I could ever love Him because He loves me perfectly! Is He going to desert me when I make a mistake or am not what He expects?  Guess what! Nothing surprises Him! He knows my inmost being and He has forgiven me and loves me in spite of it! 

So when I doubt my number one turn is to the Scripture where there are endless promises and truths about where I really stand with God and people.  Because of Christ's sacrifice I have peace with God.  Not because of who I am or what I can offer it is because of Christ's perfect life and willing death on my behalf!  If that doesn't inspire confidence and security I don't know what will!  In the end I am still dependent.  I am 100% completely dependent on Christ! And I am completely okay with that!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God's Grace Abounds

I can't believe I have been so lax in writing.  Life is very busy so maybe I don't have that hard of a time believing it but still I keep thinking I need to post and then just never getting inspired to actually write anything down.  So what has been happening in the Miller household these days? Well let's see here.  The renovation side of life has slowed down as we had to buy a new washer and dryer, fix a car, and spay a puppy.  But honestly that is one of the most wonderful things about owning your own home.  You can go at your own pace and as you can afford it.  Mark and I both have absolutely loved being able to get projects done as we get inspired.  There is no permission to ask. There is no landlord to warn.  There is no parent to ask!  We find ourselves spending most of our down time researching home improvement projects and watching HGTV and DIY network.  Thankfully we both love these channels! 

I have loved getting my sewing machine out and getting it broken in.  I have made curtains for our dining room so far.  I have plans for curtains in the guest rooms and our bedroom, the kitchen and laundry room as well.  But as I said as I find fabric that inspires I can make those.  It is slowly coming together and I really love how it is turning out.  It is great working on this project together.  

I am watching tomatoes come in.  We have about 20 actual tomatoes currently with about 12 more blooms waiting.  It is so exciting see actual fruit!  I can't wait to make fresh salsa and marinara this summer.  I can't wait to share them with anyone who wants them and I am so happy that I literally will have more tomatoes that I will ever know what to do with in order to do just that.

Work has been crazy as we let two employees in my department go.  It has been a relief having them gone as it made for a frustrating and uncomfortable work environment for everyone but with that comes many stresses and many challenges to keep up with the work load.  It has been exciting to see that I am a much harder worker than I ever thought I was.  And it is still a lot of fun and it is interesting learning about the business side of playgrounds.  I enjoy being challenged and I have great supervisors who are very encouraging and patient to answer my endless questions.  It is an enjoyable work environment and once we fill those open positions it will get a lot better.

I am so very thankful for awesome girlfriends that get together on Tuesday nights to have a book study.  It has been so wonderful, edifying, encouraging, and fun to get together with these dear women to learn more about God how to serve him better!  They challenge me and pray with and for me and they really are such a blessing and such a wonderful gift from God of deep community.

My Wednesday nights have freed up for the summer.  I have to say I miss my high school girls.  I still keep in touch with them and see them at church but its not quite the same as getting to pour into them weekly.  They taught me so much over the last school year and challenged me in many ways.  It was wonderful hearing their perspectives and it was so encouraging to hear such precious hearts explore God some in a deeper sense and some for the first time.  It was amazing seeing God at work in their lives.  

Mark is doing well.  We actually have some exciting ministry opportunities ahead of us.  Details will be coming as the processes continues. But I would ask you to be praying for patience and wisdom.  Also pray that we would be open to God's leading.  That we would be willing to be his vessels of service whether his plan leads us down expected paths or down completely unexpected paths.  We are very excited for the opportunities God brings to us.  And I wouldn't rather go through these adventure with anyone else! 

Betty Lou, the newest member of our family, is doing well.  She has settled in very well and is thankfully growing out of her "puppy-ness".  Meaning she doesn't destroy everything and 95% of the time she goes outside when she has to use the bathroom. She had her procedure done yesterday and she is healing well. She has been warned though that if she doesn't stop licking her sutures she will get the cone of shame. A part of me is hoping she doesn't stop because of the vast photo opportunities that would be afforded me.  

Well I think that is everything for right now. I want to get back to more spiritually minded posts again. Soon that will happen I am sure.  So hang in there! 


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Home ownership continues!

We have been busy little bees and I think we are getting settled into a routine.  We are completely unpacked except for that one closet that will probably be in every house we live in for the rest of our lives.  You know that closet.  I am sure you have one or two.  It is full of that stuff that you really should have gone through before you moved and pitched most if not everything in there.  At the time of the move, however, you found yourself completely lacking in energy or motivation and so you just threw it in the nearest box and called it a day vowing to go through it as soon as you got everything else unpacked. intentions.

So far we have:
1. Painted the living room.
2. Painted the dining room.
3. Plainted the hallway.
(thanks to my awesome father-in-law who happily came down and helped us blitz the house before we moved in)
4. Ripped up the carpet in those rooms.
5. Laid down new thresholds for the bed rooms.
6. Ripped off the wood paneling in the 3rd bedroom.
7. Re-patched a poor patch job in the living room floor left by an old floor vent.
8. Hung curtains in the living room and temporary ones in the dining room (will be making new ones for the dining room)
9. Started painting the master bedroom
10. Converted master bathroom tub into a shower...sorta? Funny story to come on that.
11. Skim coated the nail holes and the seam lines in the 3rd bedroom (prepping for painting)
12. We ripped out the front landscaping.
13. We replaced old shrubberies with knock-out roses and azaleas
14. Replaced the mailbox with a new black and white cedar mailbox.
15. Planted some purple and orange flowers (I have no clue on the names...I'm such a green thumb, I know)
16. We mulched the beds in the front. 
17. Tilled up garden beds and planted tomatoes and peppers.
18. Trimmed back trees and shrubs in the back yard.
19. Planted poppies in the side yard.
20. Added chair rail to the dining room.
21. Changed out some of the face plates of outlets. 

Shew! The "To Do" list is getting shorter! It is pretty exciting though and Mark and I both absolutely love keeping house and making everything ours.  It is tiring, but it is a good kind of tired that is really satisfying when we lay our heads down at night.

So funny story about that shower I was talking about.  We had just added the shower head in our master bathroom. It was still a work in progress so we had removed the handle on the faucet (planning on updating the fixtures) but it worked.   I was taking a nice hot shower. I reached my hand towards the spigot to turn off the water and my hand got this weird numbing, tingling sensation and it kind of ached.  I pulled my hand back and paused trying to figure out what was going on.  I reached out again and the pain increased.  I jump out of the shower as it registered that I was feeling an electrical current coming out of the spigot! So after some charged tests we realized that there was a ground wire that was charging the metal in the shower and oddly enough the toilet as well! No wonder Mark and I had been shocking each other and the dogs every time we touched! What the crap?! So needless to say we are very very thankful that we have a second bathroom because in my estimation that shower is OUT OF COMMISSION!  My brave husband still uses it but I refuse! I look forward to the day when we get it fixed though.  

Here are some pictures of the progress we have made so far : ) ENJOY!  We sure do!
Master Bedroom with color

lots of piles of brush

Exterior before
Exterior after

Guest room

Living room view 1

Living room view 2

Living room view 3

This week has slowed down some so I am going to try to post again before the week is out to talk a little more on the spiritual side of my life and some of the amazing opportunities and real treats God has brought to me.  But for now,



Thursday, March 28, 2013


What are we doing? There is one topic on everyone's mind.  One issue on everyone's lips.  One polarizing profile picture circling social media.  Debates are raging. Hateful, condescending words are flying.  Everyone is tense and on edge.  Everyone is on the defense thinking that somehow by a status or comment suddenly the entire world will wake up and smell the roses.  Some people honestly have good intentions. Some people obviously do not.

Christians! Wake up! Do you remember what the Savior, whom you claim to serve, was doing on your behalf and on behalf of so many of the people you are fighting?  Do you remember what this weekend is about?  What this weekend means for you? What is your status proving?  What is your anger showing?  Are your comments telling the truth about this weekend?  About Christ? Are you seeing this weekend as what it really means to you?  This weekend means everything!  This weekend is the culmination and great climax of everything that you believe in!  This weekend is about love.  

Your stance on this debate doesn't change anything.  Whatever is decided in the Supreme Court is not going to change the authority of God. No matter which side of the coin you fall on our job as Christians is to build relationships and to love and to show the Gospel (aka: this weekend)  No matter what is decided in courts our job is still the same.  Love. Invest in others.  Serve.  Minister.  This is not a last resort when our words and debates fail.  It is our first order of business.  Because of this weekend we have the strength and ability to do just that.  Because of what Christ was willing and preparing to do at this time you can lay down your picket signs, your status and your profile pictures.  Don't let Satan get his way this weekend of all weekends!  Focus on Christ.  Focus on his life and his death and resurrection.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Confessions of a Grumbler

It is hard to believe that I am writing this blog from my the couch in the home that my husband and I own.  I mean seriously? Who saw that coming?!  I have lived in Chattanooga for year and a half and this is my life?! It feels like I have been here way longer thinking about everything that has been fit into my life in the last 18 months.

In the months since I last posted...yes months! I feel terrible about that by the way! We have been doing a lot.  First off we had to move.  Packing and packing and more packing.  My husband was a great help and encouragement throughout the process. Especially when I would be the most frustrated with moving.  Because let's be honest moving 8 times in 4 years can get a little old.  So while I should have been thankful for God's faithful provision I have to admit I was considerably less thankful and great bit more grumbly.  It wasn't in my plans.  It wasn't on my agenda.  My husband and I had it settled.  We had our idea of what the next year or so would look like.  We had worked together on and it made sense. It seemed wise.  I feel like a broken record, always having my apple cart upset and not being able to handle it.  I get so attached to my  own plan.  Even when God shows me time and time again that his plan is better.  His plan is simpler.  He is trustworthy.  My old heart still fights.  Thankfully I am the daughter of a patient and pursuing God who doesn't throw up his hands when I grumble.  He doesn't lash out when I whine one to many times. He loves. He teaches. He pursues.  This is the God that deserves my trust.  He proves himself time and time again and the extent of his faithfulness is not dependent on mine.  When people ask me why my faith matters, that is why.  How can I do any else.  And when I come to something that seems to big or to much.  My faithful God will show me just how much strength he has to get me through and bring me to the other side where I can praise him for what he continues to give me.  For the big things like moving to a completely different state or the small frustrations like being woken from a deep sleep by a puppy who just wants to make sure I am still there.  My life is so blessed I have nothing to complain about.  Pray that I remember that in the midst of my minor inconveniences.

More will be coming.  Lord willing I won't take this much time off again. I have a lot of things I want to write about so get ready y'all.  The Chatty Wife is back to her chatty self :)


Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Designing Dreams :)

It is hard to believe that a year ago I had a crush on this cute deacon in my church.  Now we are husband and wife and buying a house!  God is so incredibly good!  I didn't not see this coming and I am so glad he kept it a surprise because it makes it that much sweeter having His grace blind side you like that :)  As you know my life has been full of surprises this year and God has been behind and providing for all of the things that throw off my groove is it were.  

So we are under contract on a house here in Chattanooga.  Incredible!  I never thought I would be a homeowner before the year was out.  The process has been smooth.  The inspection was passed with flying colors and now we get to dream of what sort of stuff we want to do with this house to make it ours.  I am an architect/design nerd so I love dreaming and scheming of home improvement projects and figuring out how to make something pretty and functional.  So you can imagine my joy when we finally walked into a house that I felt inspired in!  My wheels began turning almost immediately and almost as soon as we got home I pulled up my Google SketchUp(C) program and went to town!  If you go to Zillow you can check out what the house currently looks like.  And if you scroll down you can see some of the ideas we have for our own renovations and updates.  I have to say that one of the best marriages is that of an interior designer and carpenter!  Sure makes for some enjoyable trips to the home improvement store!  :)  Enjoy!

Overall floor plan

Living Room Detail 1

Living Room Detail 2

Dining/Kitchen Detail 1

Kitchen/Dining Detail 2

Laundry Room


Sewing Room/Office & Study

Hall Bath

Master Suite

Guest Room

Master Bath