Christians! Wake up! Do you remember what the Savior, whom you claim to serve, was doing on your behalf and on behalf of so many of the people you are fighting? Do you remember what this weekend is about? What this weekend means for you? What is your status proving? What is your anger showing? Are your comments telling the truth about this weekend? About Christ? Are you seeing this weekend as what it really means to you? This weekend means everything! This weekend is the culmination and great climax of everything that you believe in! This weekend is about love.
Your stance on this debate doesn't change anything. Whatever is decided in the Supreme Court is not going to change the authority of God. No matter which side of the coin you fall on our job as Christians is to build relationships and to love and to show the Gospel (aka: this weekend) No matter what is decided in courts our job is still the same. Love. Invest in others. Serve. Minister. This is not a last resort when our words and debates fail. It is our first order of business. Because of this weekend we have the strength and ability to do just that. Because of what Christ was willing and preparing to do at this time you can lay down your picket signs, your status and your profile pictures. Don't let Satan get his way this weekend of all weekends! Focus on Christ. Focus on his life and his death and resurrection.