Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Is The Bible Really About?

This is the best definition of the Bible.  This is the introduction to the Jesus Storybook Bible...(p.s. I still haven't heard from RUF so this is to tide you over until I do hear back).

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Now, some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. The Bible certainly does have some rules in it. They show you how life works best. But the Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what he has done.

Other people think the Bible is a book of heroes, showing you people you should copy. The Bible does have some heroes in it, but (as you’ll soon find out) most of the people in the Bible aren’t heroes at all. They make some big mistakes (sometimes on purpose), they get afraid and run away. At times, they’re downright mean.

No, the Bible isn’t a book of rules, or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. It’s an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It’s a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne–everything–to rescues the ones he loves. It’s like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life!

You see, the best thing about this Story is–it’s true.

There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them.

It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby. Every story in the Bible whispers his name. He is like the missing piece in the puzzle–the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together, and suddenly you can see a beautiful picture.


Monday, February 14, 2011

The Interview - February 7, 2011

Sorry it has taken me so long to get to this.  I know a lot of you were probably very anxious... 

So the interview went amazing -
A week ago today I went up to Charlottesville and was interviewed by Mary Katherine "MK" Dempsey (the female intern at Virginia Tech), John Pearson (the east coast regional coordinator) and my campus minister's wife, Amy Corbett. 

I felt like this little one...
Needless to say I was really nervous.  Parker and I drove up there early and hung out and got lunch at an incredibly sketchy Subway, that had wickens as staff personel. Then we went to the church where I was to be interviewed and hung out until it was time for me to go in.  Trust me there was a lot of interning going on from the time we left my apartment to the time we arrived at the church.  Parker is very good at making me realize that I am being retarded for worrying.  One of the reasons I love her haha! 

So finally 3:00pm rolled around. I forlornly looked at Parker and said "Ok, I suppose I should go in there now."  She chuckled and gave me one last reassuring look and I made my way towards the "lions den".  When I got into the church the door to the office was closed and my nerves started to get the better of me.  I felt like I was going to be sick or pass out or just make a run for it.  I texted my friend and he gave me a good pep talk and then I turned off my phone and prayed for a few minutes.  That helped a bit to calm me down.  Then I finally knocked on the door and prayed that Amy would answer it...

No such luck.  John Pearson, who is a very nice man, I assure you, answered it but in my current state he was incredibly scary and I felt like a lamb led to the slaughter.  Yes, I am that irrational when I am nervous.  It is quite amusing afterwards haha!  As I walked in I made eye contact with Amy and she smiled.  I instantly felt better...sort of.  So I sat down on the couch and the panel was sitting across from me with papers and pens.  They looked quite official.  And then the first part of questioning commenced. 

"What is your background with church?"  "Why do you want to be an intern?"  "When did you decide you wanted to be an intern?"  "How would you explain RUF to someone who doesn't know?"  "How would you explain and define the Gospel to someone who has no experience with the Bible or church or Christianity?"  "Since you didn't have RUF at Liberty your freshman year what did you do that first year of college?"  "What kind of school do you see yourself at?"  "What kind of campus minister do you see yourself with?"  "What personalities do you mesh with the best?"  "In regards to the coinciding study program do you need a more structured campus minister or do you work better with a more free spirited minister?" 

Then Pearson went over the policies of RUF, such as interns are not permitted to date students or drink alcohol with students.  The internship is a 2 year commitment.  You have to raise your own support.  You have from June 1st to raise 85% of that support by the time you get on campus in August (a total of about 8 weeks).  You must be a member in good standing of a church within the PCA.  You must complete the study program in addition to meeting with students.  Then Pearson excused himself so that Amy and MK could get down to the deeper and more personal questions.  MK prefaced this part of the interview, "The answers to these questions are not meant to disqualify you from the internship nor will they.  RUF is all about reflecting Christ's mercy and grace.  We are simply looking for honesty and openness so that we know how we can help you as you enter this program."

"What is your history with romantic relationships?"  "What is your experience with pornography?"  "Do you have any homosexual tendencies?"  "How do you think you would be able to handle the severe feelings of loneliness and separation that comes hand in hand with the internship?"  "Are you currently in a relationship that would hinder your freedom and willingness to be placed anywhere in the US?"  "Do you have a preference of a region or school that you would like to be placed at?"  "Would you be able to handle being placed extremely far from home?"  "Would you have trouble keeping a healthy distance between yourself and your students?"  "Would you be able to be honest and open with your campus minister about the areas in your life that cause you to struggle?"  "Would you be able to be open and honest about your specific struggles with sin?" 

And then it was over.  It had been all of 30 minutes and I answered all the questions matter-of-factly and honestly.  When MK said she didn't have anymore questions Amy got a huge grin on her face and she came over and gave me a big hug and said, "You did it!!!"  It was a great feeling!  Pearson returned to the room and we talked for a bit about how nervous I had been and what a relief it was to be done.  They informed me I would find out officially whether I would be placed or not the following week (this week!) and then we said our goodbyes and I walked out with a sigh of relief and my phone in hand and already starting to call and text everyone I could think of.

Again I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support through out this process!  I love you all so much!  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.  I will keep you posted and you will know almost as soon as I do whether I will be placed or not.  Please keep up the prayers!

God is at work!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Today's The Day ~

Hello Ladies,

Thank you all for rearranging your schedules and traveling to attend our interview session. We are so thankful and excited!

The interviews will be conducted at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA.

Kelly will interview at 12:15, followed by Leslie at 1:30, and Rachel at 3:00.

Please arrive a few minutes early to insure that you are on time for your interview.

If you have any questions regarding this interview or have any last minute issues please contact Emily Craft. She will point you in the right direction.

Please respond to this email to confirm that you have recieved it and know the time and location of your interview.

Thank you all again!

Emily S. Larsgaard
Reformed University Fellowship
Intern and Female Staff Administrator
So I am trying not to get nervous and anxious. Which as we know is so easy for me haha! Not! It is always very scary when you go out on a limb and apply for something or try to get something. It is even more scary when you let everyone and their dog know that you are going for it. You run the risk of having to face everyone and tell them you didn't get it. You have swallow your pride and tell the world (in my case) that you have failed in some way. That is a scary and unattractive thing. But I must say that I do not regret in any way that I am sharing this journey with you. Even if there are some out there that I have never and may never see knowing that you care enough to check my blog and want to stay updated on this journey I greatly appreciate it. It is going to be difficult if I end up not getting the internship. It's going to be disappointing. I will probably cry. It will hurt my pride. I will need God's strength to move on to a different dream and different area of service. But I know that if that is to happen I am not alone.
Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous fall."
I will trust in God's sustaining power whether I get it or not. Heaven knows I need it either way. If I do, by God's grace, get the internship I have a long road of support raising ahead of me. God is good and if this is part of His plan for me then I go willingly with excitement. Marc, Amy and Parker and all of my other friends have been so encouraging and it has been so helpful. I greatly appreciate all of the kind words and prayers. It has given me hope that this dream will become and reality. I will be exstatic if I get it and I will be accepting if I don't.
Either way God is good and He is at work.