Monday, February 7, 2011

Today's The Day ~

Hello Ladies,

Thank you all for rearranging your schedules and traveling to attend our interview session. We are so thankful and excited!

The interviews will be conducted at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA.

Kelly will interview at 12:15, followed by Leslie at 1:30, and Rachel at 3:00.

Please arrive a few minutes early to insure that you are on time for your interview.

If you have any questions regarding this interview or have any last minute issues please contact Emily Craft. She will point you in the right direction.

Please respond to this email to confirm that you have recieved it and know the time and location of your interview.

Thank you all again!

Emily S. Larsgaard
Reformed University Fellowship
Intern and Female Staff Administrator
So I am trying not to get nervous and anxious. Which as we know is so easy for me haha! Not! It is always very scary when you go out on a limb and apply for something or try to get something. It is even more scary when you let everyone and their dog know that you are going for it. You run the risk of having to face everyone and tell them you didn't get it. You have swallow your pride and tell the world (in my case) that you have failed in some way. That is a scary and unattractive thing. But I must say that I do not regret in any way that I am sharing this journey with you. Even if there are some out there that I have never and may never see knowing that you care enough to check my blog and want to stay updated on this journey I greatly appreciate it. It is going to be difficult if I end up not getting the internship. It's going to be disappointing. I will probably cry. It will hurt my pride. I will need God's strength to move on to a different dream and different area of service. But I know that if that is to happen I am not alone.
Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous fall."
I will trust in God's sustaining power whether I get it or not. Heaven knows I need it either way. If I do, by God's grace, get the internship I have a long road of support raising ahead of me. God is good and if this is part of His plan for me then I go willingly with excitement. Marc, Amy and Parker and all of my other friends have been so encouraging and it has been so helpful. I greatly appreciate all of the kind words and prayers. It has given me hope that this dream will become and reality. I will be exstatic if I get it and I will be accepting if I don't.
Either way God is good and He is at work.

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