Monday, March 21, 2011

A New Look

So here is the new and hopefully improved blog! As you can see there are a lot of changes.  Pretty much the only thing that hasn't changed is that the old posts are still here for you too see.  I wanted to take a few minutes to give you a little explanation of some of the changes.

Title: Mile Marker 20 - This is a place to share what happens between the "miles" and prayerfully with each mile marker there will be a growth and change in my spiritual, physical, and emotional life and it will just be fun and fascinating to be able to look back and see how God has worked.  The title will change every year on my birthday (mile marker). The URL will stay the same but the actual title will change to whatever age I will be. So on August 4, 2011 the title will be Mile Marker 21 next year it will be Mile Marker 22 and so on. The reason for this change is obvious. This blog doesn't have so much to do with RUF anymore.  Although I will still be talking about things I am learning through RUF in the last semester of my time there and the doings with my RUFians (as I like to call them), it will clearly not be focused on the RUF internship. I was trying to think of a name that would be fitting for what I wanted to accomplish now in this blog. I want to keep y'all updated on what goes on in life after college for me.  I hate presuming that y'all would be interested in my life after college but seeing as I am not sure where I will end up and I have a lot of family and friends that I may be leaving behind (only in the geographical sense), I want y'all to be able to keep in the loop on a more detailed level then just what can be gained from Facebook stati. If you have my direct contact info though, I would love to keep in touch that way as well :)  I also want to keep using this as a sort of spiritual journal to keep me accountable and really thinking on deeper and holier subjects as I put my thoughts to electronic paper.  Hopefully my own spiritual journey will be an encouragement to you that you are not alone in your struggles and that you would possibly find a kindred spirit and maybe even some helpful thoughts. Lord willing, God will use me through this.

Subtitle and About me: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - This song is really the theme song for my life right now and really at all times not just now. Honestly, I felt that it says everything that I could in a far more eloquent way and thorough.  As I have said I have NO IDEA where I am going to end up. I am sure y'all are chuckling just knowing how that is driving me crazy :) Don't worry I can laugh at myself! Part of me is excited that my life is not tied down somewhere and I can literally go just about anywhere God opens a door.  And right now there seem to be plenty of open doors and its just up to me to pick which one I want to go through.  So of course that is exciting.  But it would be really nice to have a plan.  But someone very wise reminds me on a regular basis that I need to chill with all that and trust God.  It's a much needed reminder/kick in the pants and he is very patient to keep telling me over and over again :) 

Background: A Blurry Road - In case this is not self-explanatory, I have no idea what is ahead of me so I figured that a blurry road was the best image I could have found that relates to my current situation! Haha!  Honestly the road ahead will always be blurry but I know that I have a Guide who will lead me on.

Well that is all the changes that I feel could use an explanation but if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and ask :)

Love y'all!

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