The next day Larry had responded to my email and he wanted me to call him as soon as I could for a phone interview. I called him right away and the phone interview went great! I was so excited at the possibility of getting in on the ground floor of something like this. We set up an in-person interview for that Friday.
(Side note: Background check still hadn't gone through, we are now going on 3 weeks of waiting).
Friday rolled around and I was off to my interview. We met at his house and had a relaxing interview that went fantastic. At one point he asked me the question of where do I see myself in 5 years. This question always makes me a little nervous in job interviews. I am not a career minded person. I enjoy what I do but I see it more as a way to pay the bills not to become a huge executive of some major company. I never know how interviewers will react when I tell them my deepest prayer is to one day be a wife and mom. But I decided to bite the bullet and be completely open and honest. I said, "To be honest, I am not a career person. I can see myself doing this for the next 5 years but my heart's desire is to one day, Lord willing, be a wife and a mom. This is what I have talent and experience in and what pays the bills until that days comes, if it ever does." There was a moments pause and then he said, "You know I really respect that. I am the farthest thing from a male chauvinist. You can go ask my wife. But I feel like women who try to be the leaders of huge companies or are all about their career and then try to have families just confuses things. So I really respect you for that." And that was like God just smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up. The interview continued for a while longer and went back to talking business. I left with hope in my heart and excited to hear from him. He said that he would be in touch with me in the next few days.
A few days later I had yet to hear from him and I began to feel deja vu. I checked my email on Thursday afternoon and I had an email from him. He was trying to get a hold of me but my phone was not connecting with the call for some reason. I gave him an alternate number and responded to his email letting him know that I would keep my phone on me all evening. I kept my phone with me as I said but as the evening wore on I thought I wouldn't hear from him until the next day. Suddenly, at 8:30pm my phone rings and it is him. "I have thought about it and I think I want to hire you if you are still interested." I tried to sound as calm as possible as I was dancing around my room. I was hired for an amazing position that is perfect for me at the ground floor of a budding firm making well over twice what I was making at Liberty!
So that is where I have been working for the past 2 weeks. And may I say that I LOVE MY JOB! I get to hang out with some cool people and design and draw all day long. It's still a little crazy at times being the ground floor and all. I work up on the mountain literally in Larry's basement with him and another drafter and some days when it rains I have to bail out our office of water (true story). And there are days when I work 11+ hours but it is an adventure and I am trusting God to keep it going!
I am amazed and dumbfounded daily at God's gift. He couldn't have handcrafted a better position for me. After all of the disappointments and frustrations. This is what he had for me this whole time. He had been orchestrating every piece of this puzzle to fit just perfectly to provide me with this job when I needed it the most. The Father truly does delight in given his children good things. The night I got hired I just sat in my bed after everyone had gone to sleep and wept with joy and humble gratitude! I couldn't express my thankfulness enough! That night it was a little piece of heaven as I rejoiced in pure unadulterated thankfulness and joy and basked under God's smile of "I told you to trust me." I could almost hear him laugh at my excitement and rejoice with me.
And thus ends the job hunting saga for me. So thank you all for praying with and for me in the crazy journey that to tell the truth is only just beginning! Keep praying, as this is the ground floor, there is still some risk involved as we are just now getting off the ground. Work keeps coming praise the Lord and I am definitely staying busy. I really feel God's hand on this whole thing and I will continue by his grace to trust in him for my daily bread. To him be all glory, honor, and praise for the great works he has done!
P.S. And do you know, that furniture place called me during the middle of my 1st week with Larry to tell me that I had a clear background check and that I needed to call them soon so they could get me started ASAP. Call me rude, but I waited a few days to email them back to let them know I had excepted a better offer :)