Now, that might not have been the passage that you were expecting. To be honest this is one that I didn't really notice until the other night when I was trying to think of what to write about in this post. I pulled out my Bible and read good old Proverbs 31, always a good kick in the pants, right? Here I am reading and I come to that little verse, just 10 simple words. Well, it got my attention for the first time, after I don't know how many times of reading this passage of Scripture.
The Proverbs 31 woman works out? Really? I mean, yeah, she is running around taking care of everyone and everything and getting stuff done but she actually exercises? I had never thought of that before. I mean I knew that is was good to stay in shape and be active to stay healthy. After all, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. But for me, at least, I never really paid attention to exercise and physical strength being part of a Proverbs 31 woman. Well, needless to say, this is definitely something that an SWF can do. Now the problem is doing it. Yes, I will admit it for all the world to know! I AM LAZY! There I said it! I enjoy sitting around on my backside doing anything but working out or burning calories. Back in Lynchburg, among my RUF friends, I was famous for saying to all of their many pleas to go hiking with them, that I hate walking up hill, I just don't do it. Now thankfully, walking up hill is not the only way to get in shape but I probably wouldn't mind walking up hill so much if I did other things to keep up hill hiking an easier and generally less wretched experience **please note all RUF friends reading this that the exertion was the only thing wretched about hiking with you. I love you all dearly :)
So, my encouragement and challenge for all of you Proverbs 31 women in training. Get out there do some walking, pick up running, do some sit ups, lift some weights. I am not saying you need to pull out the P90X but at least do some P31 :) You will feel great! You will look awesome! You will have energy! And who knows you might actually have some fun too! Here is a list of what I am trying to get in the habit of doing in case you might be at a loss of where to start.
**Because I have to: Please consult a medical professional before starting any of these exercises listed. I have no idea what you should and should not do for your own health. This is just what I personally do and what I have experience doing from gymnastics and volleyball. So now that you can't sue me . . .
1. Stretching is good! This is a great way to relax before bed and work out all the kicks of the day. Also works to tone your muscles and gives you some pretty sweet flexibility! Splits are great party tricks, provided you can get back up from them.
2. Start walking briskly or running if you dare. I personally want to die every time I run but you might like it. Unless, I am being chased with a deadly weapon, sorry I will walk off my burgers and fries, thank you very much. It's one of the easiest things you can do to burn calories.
3. Do some crunches or ab twists as I like to call them. This is where you basically get in a half reclined sit up position and reach your left arm over to your right side and touch the floor and then your right arm to the left side and touch the floor. Repeat a few reps and you will feel a great burn all over your abs!
4. Push ups! Even if its the girlie ones! It's ok, I won't tell if you won't.
5. Backwards push ups for lack of a better name. Place your hands on the edge of your couch with your back to the couch. Stretch your feet out in front of you and lower yourself until your butt almost touches the ground and then raise back up. Repeat a few reps and your arms will be killing a good way!
So go gird yourself! That sounds awful...uh just have fun getting fit! :)
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