Monday, May 28, 2012

The Wedding Belle Project #1

It is hard to believe that I will be Mrs. Miller in just a short 159 days!  When I moved here back in October the thought had crossed my mind that odds were good that I would meet someone.  Being an optimist/planner/closet romantic I couldn't help but wonder if that was one of the reasons God was sending me here.  I never would have thought that just after 2 very short months I would meet my future husband or that he would be so obviously suited to me.  From the passion for ministry and people to the quirky sense of humor that keeps me laughing and on my toes.  On one hand I can say that had I known in advance that he was the man I was going to marry I wouldn't have been surprised.  And on the other hand I can also say that I could have never expected to marry someone that was so right for me.  He challenges me with his passion for God and for ministry. He humbles me with his ability to love unconditionally.  He encourages me with his strong faith in the sovereignty of God. The further I go in this planning process the more I thank God for His wisdom in bringing this man into my life.  

As far as all the planning is going I am very happy to announce that we have a venue!  The Barn at Highpoint Farms!  Check it out!  Here are some pictures that my Matron of Honor took on Thursday when we went to go see it!  

View of the dance floor
The lounge

I had a swing like this growing up

So true.

View going out to the yard

We both love dogs and they love us!

The grove and pasture (there are goats you can feed)
We are both so excited for this place and this wedding!  It will be so much fun!
The future Mrs. Miller
T - 159

1 comment:

  1. Mary Frances RobertsMay 28, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    Congratulations!!!!! I went to a wedding at this location last summer...absolutely beautiful! I loved the surrounding landscape and the "country" atmosphere. I hope planning goes well!
