So I have had two years where Lynchburg RUF went to Summer Conference down in Panama City, FL. For those of you who don't know this is 4 days of great lessons from campus ministers around the country, hanging out with the other RUFs from other schools and states nationwide, and it's pretty much the most awesome thing in RUF...or so I have been told. I have never actually been able to go to Summer Conference. I wanted to go last year but unfortunately I was taking a residential summer class the same week so I was not able to attend. And this year ironically enough I am leaving for Paris tomorrow morning so my beloved RUFers lefts once again without me. I know sad day. I mean it is Paris but still I wish I could be in 2 places at once. I am extremely happy to be going to Paris. It is fulfilling a lifelong dream so I am not at all upset about that. I an certainly wasn't jealous of my dear RUFers having to leave Sunday morning at the mysterious time of 5:15 in the morning!! Shocking, I know. I didn't know there were two 5:15's a day either but that's what my friends tell me. But still it was a hard thing saying goodbye to them and knowing that they are going to be hearing and learning from awesome men and hanging out with awesome students.

Don't worry there is a but coming here :) BUT! Next year I am coming Summer Conference and for the next 2 years after that at least (Lord willing more). WOOHOO!
Paris will be amazing and I am so very very excited about this trip. It will be lovely weather (I checked 60s and 70s all week) and it will be amazing food and amazing sites! It will be such a blessing and an experience I will always remember! And next year when I won't be going to any exciting foreign country Summer Conference will make the kick off to my summer equally incredible!
I love all of you guys in Florida and I miss you! I hope you have the times of your lives and when you get back we can swap stories of our awesome first week of summer break 2010!
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