I finished my Junior year at Liberty University and I am now officially a Senior!! Woot woot! I can hardly believe it. The last 3 years have flown by and I know this next year will be even faster. I am very excited to see what new experiences and relationships are built in this coming year. This is the year that I find out what campus I will be placed at for RUF. It seems so close and yet so far still. I am also looking forward to seeing what God does in my life. I have so long to go and I constantly remind myself just in my thoughts and actions that my sanctification is a long and arduous process. But I must admit I wouldn't have it any other way. God knows exactly how I learn and what I need to further my sanctification so I am very comfortable letting God have the reins. I know that feeling of comfort won't last haha! I have known myself for far to long but I know that even though the feeling doesn't last my God does.
I went to Paris as you know and it was amazing and interesting but not necessarily for the reasons you might think. It was fascinating being in a foreign country and seeing how the other side of the world lives. I loved getting out of my comfort zone and experiencing new things that I never thought I would. The architecture was amazing! It was surreal standing at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and seeing for miles and miles until the landscape disappeared from site at the very top. It was exciting wandering the streets and seeing the shops and people and monuments. Something that was very interesting although not shocking was the people were not the friendliest. A lot of times they were down right rude! But I was convicted about my attitude toward visitors to my school. Especially the infamous College For A Weekenders who visit my school twice a semester and wander around asking silly questions that
are to me completely obvious. I was finally able to see the other side of things and I hope and pray that the next 4 CFAWs will be a little different for me and I will remember what it felt like in France.

Something else I discovered about myself was that I really enjoy eaves dropping! I never noticed it really before until I arrived in Paris and I couldn't understand a word people were saying! it was very frustrating being so out of the loop. I like being in the know and being up to speed on things and that was severely stunted in Paris. I have a lot of pictures on my facebook page and I posted a couple here if you don't have facebook. All in all I did enjoy myself but I was very happy to get back to the states and to my bed. I was very blessed to get to go on that trip and I am very thankful to God and my parents for providing the way for such an adventure.
When I returned from Paris I got to hear all about Summer Conference and I must confess I was quite jealous. And looking through the pictures I realized just how much I missed my RUF friends. I can't wait for next year when FINALLY, Lord willing, barring any natural disaster...like an oil spill...:\ I can go to Summer Conference!
Another joy of returned was the start of Summer RUF! It is so wonderful being back in the swing of summer. We are starting a book by Tim Keller called The Gospel in Life. We have only had one session but I have the feeling that this is going to be very convicting. It is all about immersing our lives in the Gospel and the great commission no matter where you are in life. Our topic last time was the city and how it was viewed hirtorically and Biblically as opposed to how it is viewed now. Historically a city was viewed as safe. A place for women and children. Now that is so far from what we would think. And the lesson was very well timed after just coming back from a city like Paris. I will keep you updated on the study. Writing this reminds me I have reading to do before our next meeting. Making a mental note now and writing it on my hand...I also need to go shopping for our RUF family meal. We are having an Italian themed dinner.
Well that is all for now. I have to get back to work.
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