To any past roommates reading this, I loved having roommates when I had them! There were a lot of laughing until we cried and crying until we laughed. There were massage trains while watching The Bachelor and Castle. There was crazy cooking experiences involving tinfoil and microwaves. There were wacky adventures and lots of memories to be sure. (Yes, I know a lot of you are still stuck on the fact that I watch The Bachelor, it is so fun to mock!) It was interesting and sometimes fun coming home and never knowing who or what you would find. But there was also those times when I certainly relished the breaks in school when my much loved roommates would head home and I could have the place to myself. This is nothing against my roommate's of course, but I definitely look forward to having an apartment all to myself this time; to do with exactly as I please without having to consult anyone; to have no ones dishes to clean up but my own; to have no ones crumbs and coffee drips to wipe but those of my own making. Yes, there are perks to having roommates, especially having someone to share the bills. It is lots fun and you have a ton of laughs and you are never alone. But sometimes it is nice to come home to a quiet place. Or to invite anyone you want without having to worry about roommates needing peace to study or roommates already having people there. Who knows I might end up going crazy without constant contact with people but you never know if you don't try right?
I think there is a part of all women that we are born with to be the queens of our own castles. It's a piece of who God created us to be. I think that is a beautiful part of being a woman. Whether you end up sharing your castle with a king or not I believe that every woman should take pride in her domain. Let's face it ladies, there is a reason why God made most women to be neater and tidier than most men. (Mother, I can hear you laughing, and I do keep everywhere but my room clean on a regular basis and even the latter, I am getting better at. Yes, Amanda that is an improvement.) There is a role there I think and it's one to be reveled in and to be proud of. And I must admit that when I clean my room after ignoring it for a while I always feel much better and as though I can breath deeper and relax more knowing that all is in order.
"She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31: 27
So for the next year, not as a resolution because I think that word is trite and meaningless anymore, but as a commitment to myself and to the Proverbs 31 woman I am seeking to become as I grow and mature, I will be working hard at keeping my house, that is my very own, organized and in order.
P.S.There will be pictures coming of the new apartment tomorrow :)