2 alternating Mondays a month - The Bookworm Project
I will be posting a new book review. Since I got this idea only just now I know that I have at least 6 weeks taken care of on that front. Books are very thought provoking for me so I would like for my posts to be a little deeper than just "I would recommend this book." or "I would not recommend this book." So keep a look out on Mondays. I will post links on the new Facebook page I will be creating for this. It makes it easier than cluttering up my personal page with a bunch of links every week. So "like" the page and you can stay up to date.
2 alternating Wednesdays a month - SWF seeking GOD
I will be sharing my thoughts about what it means to be a Christian Single White Female. There is a lot of pressure on single Christian women to get married, start a family and be a Proverbs 31 woman. Well that is all well and good but how does that apply to a single woman who is not about to go out on a man hunt? Prayerfully it will be enlightening and encouraging to all of us as I share my experiences, my convictions, and lessons God brings along.
The last Friday of every month - Confessions of a Chatty Girl
This will be in the same vein as what I have been doing up to now of sharing updates of what life in Chattanooga is, what it is becoming and how God is using the change of scenery and change of station to further my sanctification and understanding of the Gospel. This will also include a Snapshot segment where I take some pictures of life in Chattanooga so you get a chance to see what I see instead of just trying to imagine it!
I know that all might sound pretty confusing, scheduling wise, but once you get the hang of it you will know what to expect in a given week from me. So keep on the look out for new and more consistent posts! Also for some possible aesthetic changes! The designer in me can never be satisfied for long :)
Love it!! :-)