Saturday, April 19, 2008 -
"I just wanted to share something that really hit me tonight in my devotionals. I have just started reading the Psalms and I was reading 3 tonight. One verse really struck me.
"I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah." Psalm 3:4
This verse is so amazing! If you really think about it every time you have ever cried out to God, He has heard you! He has condescended from His holy hill to your level to listen to your hurts! The God of the universe, Who holds all the planets in orbit, the God Who controls our past, present, and future. The God Who created everything we see around us. This God, this very same exact God, comes to you when you call Him in an instant He is by your side. He is there to comfort us when we cry, to wipe away our tears, to fend off our enemies. All we need do is call out His name and He hears. Not only does He hear but He knows exactly what we are going through. He can sympathize with every hurt, every distress.
How can a God of such magnitude be so loving! How can such a God be so holy and just and merciful all at the same time! He hears us guys! He doesn't say, "Oh uh hold that thought a sec I have a universe to run." He doesn't say, "For crying out loud are you back again?!?! What do you want this time?" He doesn't say, "You think you have problems? Let me tell you my day!" NO!! He says "I know it hurts but I am here. I am always here. I love you. You are not alone. Remember what I have done for you. I love you too much to forget you. I will never tire of you coming to me. I will never make you wait for my comfort. You are precious, you are my child." All of this from the God of the universe! And His love and comfort is perfect!
How is all of this possible? Only because He is God! We will never know on this earth at least why or how he loves such wretched creatures like us. But he does and that is all that really matters.
He loves you and listens to you. He hears you from is holy hill when you cry and he comes to your aid at a moments notice."
Saturday, November 25, 2008 -
Saturday, November 25, 2008 -
"Tonight in my devotions I was greatly humbled. Reading tonight I was struck with a sense of shame at my own selfish and self-absorbed mentality towards God. I have been reading through the Psalms for quite sometime (there are a lot of them!) and I have stumbled across this unifying factor. The Psalmist goes through hard times, so much harder than I myself have ever faced and yet with every Psalm he ends with praising God. How in the world does he do that???
I go through such small and insignificant "trials" and I always come out questioning God and asking Him to get me this or fix that or make the problem go away. Very rarely do I sit back and say, "God I don't understand what You are doing here, I may never understand. But thank You for this test that I may be refined. While I am in this moment please teach me what I am to know and use me to further Your kingdom. May I glorify You in this Lord. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!"
How much more would I learn if I accepted the obstacles and trials that God put in my path as an opportunity to grow in faith, wisdom, patience, mercy, joy, peace, etc.? How much further along in my spiritual growth would I be??? I have no clue and it breaks my heart!
But God will not leave me; He will never give up on me; Christ will never stop praying on my behalf; and I will always be God's beloved daughter!
You can take hope that this is true of you as well!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!"
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